Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Perfect timing

Chapter 292

Don't wait. The time will never be just right." ~ Napoleon Hill

Don’t wait. Don’t rush, but don’t wait. Waiting for the perfect time is an exercise in utter frustration, whether that is waiting to have kids, waiting to buy stocks, waiting to sell stocks, waiting to start retirement, waiting to start saving for retirement, waiting to lose weight, waiting to get healthy, waiting to exercise, waiting to take that class or get that degree, waiting to go visit your grandkids, etc etc, you get the picture. There is no such thing as a perfect time, there is just now, Just do it, Start. Don’t wait.

Getting started always takes the most energy. Objects at rest tend/will stay at rest, and objects in motion will stay in motion, or something along those lines of relativity. So getting a nonmoving object moving is where all the energy is required in most scenarios in life and physics. Once moving, it still takes energy, but not nearly as much.

Of course getting an education or businesses or an organization moving is a whole different scale and can take months or years, but still, getting the process moving takes a burst of energy compared to the regular ongoing energy needs to keep it going. This is the number one reason I hear from people about why they haven’t started, why they are waiting. 

Its still going to take just as much energy to start moving this mountain tomorrow as it does today. And if you are waiting for more energy tomorrow, well good luck with that one, the vast majority of us have the most energy today that we will have for the rest of our lives. We are getting weaker as we get older, not stronger.

Don’t wait.

Perfect timing barely exists.