
Chapter 298

One way or another, there can only be one alternative at a time to give meaning to life, meaning to the moment — so at any time we only need to make one decision about how we must answer, but, each time, a very specific question is being asked of us by life. Popova

Today is Memorial Day here in the USA, a holiday that celebrates the sacrifices that our military soldiers have made over the decades, to give us the country that we have. Its a Federal holiday, so pretty much everyone gets the day off from work, and its also considered the generally the first day of the summer season here in the states. The funny thing is that almost no one does any celebrating of our soldiers any more. When I was a kid, we had parades and interviews with older soldiers, and those who had served in WW1 and WW2. Now I see little of that.

Instead it has become more about going to the lake in your camper and kicking off your summer. Now please let it be said that I am not against going to the lake and spending the weekend in your camper. I often do this with friends once a year myself. But you can’t celebrate the beginning of your summer and celebrate the sacrifices of war at the same time. Or can you?

Well honestly I think you can, which isn’t to say that I think many people actually do, but you could. The bridge between the two is gratefulness and remembering. While you are at your beautiful spot on the lake enjoying the beginning of your summer, STOP! Remember the wars and the soldiers who fought those wars, so that you could sit on this peaceful lake and just be. It is a great gift that you are enjoying, whether you realize it or not.

Now be grateful.