Possibilities and potentials
Chapter 304
Possibility is where you find it. We each have more to offer than the world expects. And growth is something we’re capable of, as soon as we’re committed to seeing what we can contribute. Godin
Possibilities, offerings, growth, commitment and contributions, what great stuff. I am frequently jealous of word masters like Godin who can cram more great words and ideas into fewer sentences than would seem possible. My literary and idea hero’s are made of this kind of stuff.
So my contribution is this short blog, to unpack this idea more for the rest of us. To really gain some quick traction here, you have to move backwards through the sentences. As soon as you decide to be a contributor rather than a consumer, the whole process can occur. When this commitment to contributing is made, it sets off an entire set of potentials, the most important one being that you can grow in the most valuable ways, and the most urgent one being that you know you can grow. Knowing that you can grow is really critical. Most people around here don’t feel like they can move forward, learn something new or develop in most ways. Some of that is arrogance, some of it fatalism, but it is stunting their growth regardless.
Now you begin to realize that you have more to offer than you ever thought. You have more to contribute than anyone ever expected, and it feels . . . amazing. New possibilities are popping up in your mind faster than you can put them down on paper. You are seeing potentials where you never saw them before. Full circle - Possibility is where you find it.