Einstein and simplicity

Chapter 305

"Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." ~ Albert Einstein

This is the smart guy talking. The guy many think of as the most smartest guy in the history of the world. We should probably listen and pay attention. Out of the chaos of your mind, find understanding. From the noise of this crazy life, find the one clear note of knowledge.

This is the direction Einstein is pushing us. Find simplicity. Yes life is ever so cluttered with tasks, wants, expectations, needs, much less all the physical things we cram into our garages other than our overpriced autos, and have spread across our desks, and have piled on our nightstands, and have mountains of in our mental space, preventing us from simplicity. The more you have, and especially the more clutter you have, the more your stuff owns you. There is no freedom or gifts of blessing in that. Simplicity!

Well you don’t have to look far to find discord. As I am writing this, riots are happening across the country in backlash to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. There are discord’s along a variety of lines, from Coronavirus lockdowns and conspiracies, to the economy, to personal tragedies and finding discord has never been easier. Finding harmony however is the challenge of a lifetime for most of us. Even someone as old as me, and I am old as dirt, can be challenged to find harmony. First of all because harmony doesn’t just lie on my efforts, it requires cooperation with others to achieve it. But it is always the goal we are aiming toward.

And then there are difficulties, no, I mean and then there are opportunities! I have actually been pursuing through on this one. I have asked my co-workers in The Leadership Development Group, what opportunities are before us that we are blind to, that we can’t see.

These three together can smooth out your life considerably.