Dr D’s Diagnosis

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The hardest thing you will ever do

Chapter 312

"Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought." ~ Napoleon Hill

I have always been so amazed at Victor Frankl and his posture and attitude about his years through the Holocaust. He proved that no matter how difficult and unbearable life became, life still mattered and that you could have a good attitude about the worst of circumstances. His book “Man’s search for meaning” has proven that you can choose what you think about every situation. Or as Dale Carnegie said, “its what you think about it” it being any given thing, that makes it good or bad.

What Napoleon Hill suggests is right along these same lines. We can choose what we think. Of course you don’t or shouldn’t apply this to facts, because facts are facts. Like the sun rises in the East, because the earth is round and turning (and I have flown all the way around it many times) and the sun is stationary. Facts. Even though here in the state of Georgia there seems to be some people who are insisting that the world is flat. They clearly have not flown a transatlantic flight.

No what all three of these men are advocating is that I can view circumstances and situations as good or evil, negative or positive, for we have this power to choose. And Hill goes further by adding plans and purposes to the pile. Your mind is the most powerful tool that you have at your disposal and it gets far too little respect or use! Thinking is the hardest work you will ever do, regardless to what non-thinking suggest.