The circle of damage

Chapter 313

we watch shows that are designed to numb us instead of inspire. - seth

Stop. Just Stop! There is no upside here unless you consider the numb passing of time to be an upside. Look I understand stressful, and I understand boredom, and I have experienced them both many many times. You think your life is boring, you should try spending days in airport, nowhere to go and no way out and no choices. I get it. The temptation to become a vegetable in situations like this is almost unbearable. But you are better than this.

You need all your superpowers here, to be strong enough to selectively filter what you watch and read. I mean five minutes of “news” watching has enough depressing information to last you several lifetimes. Why would you want to put that crap in your head on purpose? Everyday? Every hour? What Donald tweeted is about the least important flamboyance that a narcissist could ever write. It benefits me in zero ways, to know this or be shocked by it or frustrated by it or angered by it. It affects my mood and attitude for hours after hearing it. Which affects all the people I love and the people that I work with, and so the circle of damage continues, all because I watched shows that are designed to numb us.

If you can’t control your desire to watch, and you can’t find something educational or inspiring, then create something new yourself. The tech is easy and readily available to everyone. And you won’t be bored any longer.