Keep showing up
Chapter 314
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." ~ Napoleon Hill
I am a living walking testimony to this statement. Two of those three P’s are all I have going for me many days. I just show up every day, mentally and physically and keep at it, until it is done. We have just spent the last eight WEEKS sanding the old cab of a 55 year old pickup truck. 60 days of doing the same thing for hours and hours and hours. But today that old cab is ready for paint. When we pulled it out of a briar patch three months ago, no sane person would have ever thought that we be having a paint day anytime soon.
I will admit that I falter on the Patience piece regularly, this is not my forte. I often have very unrealistic timelines and expectations. Normally this would trip you up badly, because few people can stay with Persistence and Perspiration once their Patience has faltered. But I am one of those people, I just keep all that loose and goosy in my mind and just keep plugging along. Its what I do. I am very much like a beaver. Not a lot of talent, but very tenacious. He just keeps chewing until the tree falls down. Every time.
When I was working my way through life and my doctoral studies, the three P’s kept everything aligned and moving forward. Just keep showing up and it gets done. Everyone throws up potential roadblocks and difficulties and a wise person listens and takes notes, but doesn’t stop.
Keep moving forward. Success is yours.