Dr D’s Diagnosis

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Giving it away

Chapter 315

Making things better is an attitude. The attitude of possibility and the posture of generosity. And then making the decision to own your  learning . Seth

I don’t know why so many people feel like making things better is impossible. I hear this a lot. But things got worse, so things can get better - the point being that this is a moving scale, not static. What I think is really happening here, is that making things better is really really difficult and few want to make the effort. I am not being negative, but this matches up much better with what I see happening, rather than “making things better is impossible”. Making things better is possible and it can be really difficult, especially the attitude required for it.

As Seth points out, making things better is primarily an attitude. A posture. A decision to be generous and make as many possibilities for as many people possible. Instead of taking an opportunity, why not give an opportunity? Instead of taking advantage of a situation, why not give the advantage away to someone disadvantaged? Instead of socking away everything in your retirement, why not share some wealth and help others now? Instead of capitalizing on your position, why not use that power to advance someone else? Instead of vegetating in front of the boob tube when you get home from work, why not spend some time helping kids in the neighborhood with their homework, or teaching a free class, or volunteering at the soup kitchen, etc etc? 

None of this disadvantages you in any way, because you can choose everyday to learn new stuff and redevelop yourself. What I have suggested here makes the world a better place and makes you feel wonderful.