Between your ears
Chapter 316
dismantle the mental and emotional barriers to . . .
... to whatever is holding you back. There are mental barriers. These are the thoughts that you are not good enough, that you can’t do it, that “people like me don’t do things like that” and I don’t have enough education, etc etc. There are also other mental barriers of perception and possibilities. I mean that I could not have even imagined a job like I have now, 40 years ago when I graduated from high school! I could not have conceptionalize it. There were no mental handholds to grasp such an idea. The first type of mental barrier you can dismantle, you can fight it, you can overcome it. The second type of mental barrier you have to just walk through it, live it, walk the journey through it. As you grow older your conceptionalizing will improve and your dreams can sharpen.
And there are emotional barriers. Feelings of failure, feelings of unfairness, feelings that you can’t cope with and process. Feelings that you are a victim. Feelings that you can’t win. Feelings that people are out to prevent you from succeeding. Feelings that you aren’t good enough. Feelings that you can’t cope and manage. Feelings that you can’t face another day. Feelings that you are lost and floundering. Guilt for this or that. All these feelings I copied out of a book - not true. I have felt all these feelings and these emotional barriers are high effective at blocking you from moving forward.
All this happens inside your head. Mental and emotional barriers are cerebral mostly. You have to fight this battle between your ears. You can do it!