How good you want to be

Chapter 322

"It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be." ~ Paul Arden

Raising your game. This is what separates the good from the great. This is where the 10,000 hours of practice makes the difference. This is where continuous learning is a core part of your approach. This is why you stay longer and get there earlier than others. This is why you dream about it and think about it even when you aren’t working on it. This is why couch-potatoes call you obsessed, even though you and I would only call you committed. You are the person who takes the initiative and makes the necessary happen, without needing direction. You are more and more the person people look to for direction and for making decisions. You are determined to either be the most valuable person on the team or own the company. You are unstoppable. This is how good you want to be.

You want to be so good in fact that you never ever have to look for work again, because it comes looking for you! You are relentless in improving and gaining expertise. You are always improving, its part of your daily practices and expectations of yourself. You are regularly looking for ways to increase your productivity and “no” is one of your most used words. You keep the boundaries in tight so that you can focus and be the best of anyone in your class. You don’t run rabbit trails and you aren’t consumed with FOMO. You aren’t driven, but you are having fun. Professional progress is always fun.

And there are one thousand more ideas that could be listed here, but honestly, this is mostly an attitude, a posture toward life.

How good do you want to be?