Moving fast in a slow world
Chapter 27
I have been living a the flight/hotel life for a very long time, but it still never fails to fascinate me and astonish me that I can do a 30 mile bicycle ride workout in the morning in Georgia and spend the evening in Pennsylvania with my daughter and her husband. And after four or fine hours of work here, I will spend this evening with clients and friends in South Carolina. I wrote one of the best pieces of work yesterday while on the flight from Charlotte to Harrisburg. It was great to have some space to think. And then apply that thinking to a client in Africa that is in a jam. First time in a while that I got to do what I do best just because I can, without having to juggle my two biggest people responsibilities.
So I get to sit here quiet and alone and with coffee, to think, be grateful, appreciate, write, contemplate, and then think some more. Life gives me far too few of these opportunities in my current situation. I am cherishing this one! And then I will get back on the plane and head back out to MooCow GA later, but still, this is an oasis. Everyone needs those. And those who are caretakers need them even more, and this includes mom’s of small children who are the ultimate caretakers. Why don’t you step up and give one of them a break today? You will benefit more than you can measure, but they will benefit even more. Its a win win. Plus the child or adult in question that is being cared for will get to wrestle and match wits with a new opponent. You.