Inspiring the RN’s

Chapter 26

Do, dream, learn and become. Those are the actions I want to see in those I choose to spend my time with each day. How to inspire the people you and I spend our time with, that we work with, that you are related to, that fill our circles of relationships, with do dream learn and become? Well first of all we have to be those kinds of people ourselves. Ah ha, that gets you where you live, doesn’t it? Trying to inspire people to be and do stuff that we don’t do ourselves is like rolling a large stone up an endless hill. You and me gotta be at the front of the line. We have to show it more than talk it. Don’t ever expect people to follow where you haven’t been.


Secondly what you are doing dreaming and learning and becoming has to be, . . . well, inspiring to those in your circles. My circles are primarily in the non-profit world, with a small sliver of the red-neck race car world types. What inspires my red-neck race car driving relatives, does not inspire my non-profit world peeps one bit. And trust me, I can’t even talk about my non-profit world with the RN’s (red-necks) the vocabulary is beyond them. But I digress - what inspires them is completely different! So I can do dream learn and become both in the human trafficking world and in the racing cam/horsepower worlds. Disclaimer here, I am much more everything in the non-profit world.

So first do it yourself, then be inspiring, and model it along the way. Like, I have a whole new field of learning that I am beginning just next month! Exciting!