Finding or creating?
Chapter 39
There are at least two lines of thought about finding yourself or creating yourself. There they are. Some think you go through life searching and looking and discovering and uncovering and exploring and finding you. That you will expose those things that resonate and align with who you are as you go on this journey, these pieces will fall into place in your life like puzzle pieces once you unearth them or discover them. This search and miss method sounds pretty erratic and irrational and iffy when written down on paper, and perhaps I have done this POV a disservice in my descriptions. But I think this is the method that most people use and experience in their life, more responsive than directive, I think that most people get stuck in this method and place.
Others think you need to create yourself, and of course George Bernard Shaw is the most famous person who said this, and he is a creative. Surely he would say this! Creating is what he is all about. While most people try, at least for a short period of time, both creating their lives and finding their lives, this one takes far more energy and effort and responsibility. That is why fewer people stay in this space and posture in life. And hey lets face it, its a lot less spontaneous and fun, and more adult and pressure-filled, than “finding yourself”. But I would argue that it is also much more certain and gratifying and predictable. Just depends on which adjectives light you up I guess. What you really want in life . . . and honestly, isn’t that finding yourself and creating yourself too?