More hats!

# Chapter 231

Wearing all those hats means that your thinking and clarity time get crunched and compressed, if not annihilated. This is the largest cost to wearing too many hats. You end up racing from one hat to the next and you never stop and consider if you are doing the things that produce the best effort for each hat. Its that 80/20 Pareto thing again where 20% of what you do likely produces 80% of the results that matter. I was reminded of this again yesterday as the weather forced on me some thinking and clarity time. The results were astounding and that alone should have me salivating do more and more of thinking and clarity time.

But no. We would far rather be “doing” something, than thinking. Plus thinking is the hardest kind of work, and it is not something that most people enjoy. Yet, unless we want to spend our lives spinning our wheels and gaining no traction, then thinking carefully and deeply is our path to forward progress. Its the only way you are gonna find solutions to the thorny parts of your life. It is the quickest path to a formula of actions that will get you where you need to go.

Don’t wait for the weather to force you into a thinking clarity time. You and I need to make this a part of each and every day because it is our most important work, even if it is the most difficult.