Thinking about thinking

# Chapter 229

The leadership and thinking space has too many challenges and too few practitioners. Too few spots where the leadership and thinking person can find paying work and create the margin and area in life where more thinking can occur. And of course thinking can occur in other moments but that’s a different kind thinking I am referring to in this post. That kind of thinking is the weighing comparing assessing the current moment that you are living, the experience of the now, the brain functions in the current conversations and moods of the hour in which you are living.

The kind of thinking that I am advocating, is the long deep quiet change the world kind. The type of thinking that solves world sized problems and shifts in society and resolves the thorniest peskiest challenges that people face each day. This is change the world thinking on a vast scale that then is broken down into smaller and smaller changes, manageable sized problems that more people can grab ahold of and assist in bringing to a great conclusion. This kind of thinking requires blocks of time without interruptions, quiet and peace, and lots and lots of input so that you grapple with the scale and size and influences that form the problem you are wrestling with, and understanding the problem can often take more time and energy than resolving it.

This kind of thinking is rare. Let’s change that.