Bright waving flags
# Chapter 284
Well patience did not win out, we are still gonna paint this morning even though there is probably three to four weeks of work still to be done to make the material truly paint ready. However we did end up working an extra day on them and they are better looking and more ready than they were day before yesterday. So some progress but still not enough patience to do the work that you are completely proud of and know is your very best work. But we will paint those bed panels today and then I will listen to how we should have prepped them for another three to four weeks for the next coming years. This is the scenario of our lives. Too much hurry too little patience and too little self-discipline.
This is is simply how we live in all areas of our lives most consistently. We should not be surprised that we are doing it here. And stop with the excuses, you are making excuses and that should be another bright waving flag that you are going too fast and that you are not exercising judicious restraint in your processes and in your expectations. Slow down and make it right and then be proud of yourself for doing the best possible job.
You aren’t going to listen are you?
/"If you do the work you get rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life." ~ Michael Jordan/