
Chapter 44

Too much responsibility. That is what happens sometimes, with all the decisions in life comes responsibility and that can be overwhelming. And sometimes its when things go the way you had hoped, the way you had planned, that responsibility jumps way up and makes you feel hesitant and start to second guess yourself. But . . . 

But you have to live and take action, even if you are afraid, even if you have more on your plate than you can handle. Action is required, action is necessary. You can’t not choose to act - that in itself is an action, a choice. Don’t be lulled into thinking that no action will save you from those responsibilities, because it won’t. You can only manage your responsibilities by taking them, and doing them. Action is the path to resolving your responsibilities, not inaction, not passivity, not paralysis. 

But it can be difficult and scary and the fear of what happens if you fail at some level, can be very threatening and the antithesis is inspiration. And you really could use some inspiration at this point, couldn’t you?! But it seems to have all evaporated in the pressure-cooker you find yourself. You feel like you need some relief, but don’t know where to find any. How to let pressure off? Moving forward and succeeding are the most sure-fired ways to let the pressure off. There is a possibility that moving forward and succeeding can lead to just more pressure and more pressure, but I find that second level pressure is less than the initial responsibility that we are facing now. It actually is not, but it feels easier and more manageable.