Habit designing - the foundation of living

Chapter 46

Habits are the foundation of living. You have them whether or not you believe you do. You eat largely the same stuff, from the same grocery stores, from the same restaurants, and you get up at mostly the same time and do the same things each morning, and go to work and do the same stuff that you did yesterday, come home and follow the same routine as you do most other days. This is true for all of us.

Since habits are the foundation of life, then you and I need to be super intentional about choosing the habits that are going to produce what we really value in life, the change we seek to make in the world, those that will help us become the people we aspire to be. If you don’t know your values, or the change you seek to make in the world, or what you aspire to become, then that is a different blog on a different day. You have other fish to fry. You face dilemma’s in other arenas. You have problems to solve at a more basic level. Habit shaping is a higher level function, a nuance that will endlessly give you gifts, a golden goose that regularly gives you her treasures.

So habit designing is like the coolest thing ever. Decide what you want to accomplish, start your habit to get there, stay with it, get it done eventually. It’s honestly like magic. Consistent production in my life, is exclusively due to habits. Without my carefully structured life of habits, I would merely be average, not a superstar. Without my habits, I would not produce my expected and required deliverables in my life. I would still be stuck in my high school jobs. I would have no change the world components, I would not be the man I aspire to be.

Make your choice.