
Chapter 78

Yesterday was an outside day. Can’t get enough of those. Church was outside bright and early and cold yesterday morning. The temps are going to force a change on that venue soon, but we dressed for it and it wasn’t too chilly, except for my feet. They were pretty much numb by the time we left. But our hearts were warm and the ambience could not be beaten. Church in the creation - winner!

Then a long wonderful wicked ride on the bike in the afternoon. Over 3000 foot of climb and beautiful colors and bright sunshine on my back and leaves of every color and little car traffic. The wind in my face, the views, the heat of working my muscles, the beauty of south central Pennsylvania on a Fall day -  magical.

Then at home at last, and all these upsides to Fall mean that the not only the weather is Fall but the leaves Fall too. And we have four big beautiful trees with lots of leaves to share. And share they have. So raking for hours, well past sunset thanks to the night lights outside, but we got them all done for the day. Lots more will Fall tomorrow and we will get to do it again and again. Pretty much awesome, raking up the leaves, then seeing and enjoying the green carpet of grass underneath, and the stars above. - perfect day.