It’s a skill
Chapter 76
It’s your decisions, not your situation that determines your life. Too many of us are convinced otherwise. And that is the wrongiest way of thinking possible. It makes you the victim every time. Life is just one big lottery and you lose every time. You have no power if you think that your situation determines your life. You have no power to choose and change and develop and grow and blossom and thrive.
I understand that our situations create the environment that we find ourselves in, and that every environment has boundaries and limits and that this can make you feel like you have no choices, no decisions to make. But folks, as Seth says, “attitude is a skill” and that can change everything! You and I can make 1% changes in each and every single aspect of our lives, and those 1% changes over time, make a huge cumulative impact.
Suddenly you will realize that your “situation” looks nothing like it did before! While in reality you changed, and your posture changed and your attitude and actions changed. The “situation” cannot remain static in the face of those forces.