Chapter 80
A difficult beautiful wreck of a day. First of all, I needed to have this day, to see how rigid or flexible my daily routines can be, and frankly they aren’t very flexible, or my resistance to forcing them to flex is high. Too many things fall through the cracks and don’t get done when I wreck my routines or so I tell myself. Because of how the wrecked day ended up, I was able to get almost all accomplished. So why do I still feel so discombobulated?
I think I just crave order and structure, and I feel naked when that order and structure is disrupted. That is a transparent as I know how to be. So a solution might be to create a new structure and order? Ok, I am agreeable that this is a possible solution, but then it hits me, this is not just about order and structure, its also about energy and attention.
The mornings are the best energy and attention part of my day and if I restructure, then I am giving some other part of my life the best of me, rather than the habits that have produced a lifetime of results. My energy flows, become ever more important as I get older and I have less energy to share. And each and every one of us share the same attention challenge - because the world is clamoring for our attention more and more loudly.
Careful how you unpack and test your routines and habits that are producing for you...