Dr D’s Diagnosis

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The problem with problems

Chapter 87

The problem with problems, is that we are always trying to get rid of them. Solve them yes. Get rid of them no. Problems are what makes life interesting. I think solving problems is one of the most important pieces of a satisfying life. And I think that failing to solve a problem in a manner and conclusion that you find satisfying, is one or can be one of the pieces of your life that keeps raising the bar, demanding more from you, better from you. Without problems, life would not be very interesting at all. 

I talk a lot about retirement with my friend and he insists that I would hate retirement. But I am pretty sure he is wrong about that. I would hate a life without a problem to solve, but I wouldn’t hate retirement, where you could solve them at your own pace and without the pressures and pace of modern life. We eventually will find out if I live that long.

What is so funny to me about this retirement conversation with my friend is that he is the ultimate problem solver, and its what he does all day long every day, and he even turns it to money! I just turn my problem solving into scale or more ideas, rarely into money. I am not all that good at making money, and perhaps that is my next problem that I plan to solve!