what’s possible?

Chapter 70

“What does this make possible?” Micheal Hyatt asked? And this is a great nuanced question. First of all and most importantly, it asks what is possible, rather than asking “what does this prevent” focusing you and me on the positive rather than the negative. It is surprising how often the only question we are asking in a new situation, is what is this negating for me? Now we can see that there is a positive way to frame the situation.

Second of all, it demands that we look around and see the situation in a new light. We can’t stop or change change itself, but we can decide how we wish to respond to the changes that come to us. This is the growth set mentality instead doomscrolling throughout our lives. It is that whole attitude and posture than makes lemonade out of the lemons life hands you.

So lets move this out of the theoretical and into the moment of real life. Think about the new context you find yourself in, the changes that have recently taken place, and see if you can find three new possibilities that would not have been possible before, or that you simply could not have seen before. Now which of those three are the most possible, the most doable, the most accomplishable? It may not, perhaps most likely will not, be the one you prefer, but you have to decide which one is the real new possibility.

Apply some of your time, talent and treasure to this new possibility. Let’s see what grows out from it.