A man-vegetable
Chapter 73
All out of sync, I need a new system. Yesterday I went to work and work in this context work meant 8 hours in the same location, focusing on someone else’s agenda. I guess that is the nature of work for most people, but I can’t live that way. I need their agenda to become my agenda, I need to own it completely or walk away from it. The unanswered questions are how much can I shape this work environment so that it works with my other two full time jobs? If I fail to do that eventually, then I will have some major structural changes that will have to take place in my life.
Notice that the first thing I do when confronted with these kinds of challenges (and many other kinds as well) is to find a new system or create a new system. Systems, or habits or patterns are the key to successful accomplishment in my world. Pretty much nothing important gets done without a system or habit in my life. I am just a squash or a zucchini otherwise. A man-vegetable and not much more. So put a system in place, but stay flexible. If you new system is too ridged right off the bat, it will prevent you from adding important pieces as you go along and learn more about your new situation and all that it demands from you.
And when you find yourself all out of sync, don’t panic. Relax and find a new place of peace and accomplishment within the new context. This will take a while, so be patient and forgiving and gracious to yourself along the way.