Results and excuses
Chapter 72
"You can have results or you can have your excuses. You cannot have both." ~ Unknown
As I sit here making mental excuses for the situation I find myself in, this statement really bites hard. I have to own the changes and results that I want, or all I am going to have are excuses in the end. And I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford excuses. I need results, and to get results I will clearly have to make some changes. This is really hard to swallow because my morning routine has been carefully honed for decades and I have a super high resistance to throwing that baby out with the bath water, but I might have to do just that.
Perhaps I need to experiment with doing my morning routine in the evenings? Like right at this moment I am going in to have to walk away from this blog and continue later or on a different device because I have got to get a shower and get all my stuff together and be at work in less than an hour. ...
So I made it to “work” and of course the job is not ready to start. So back to redeeming the time that I have, this is how your produce results and not excuses.