# Chapter 100
/"It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise." ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe/
Goals and outcomes are magic words in leadership and development these days, but what exactly is a goal? Well it is a desired object or preferred rank or situation or condition or status, it is an arrival at a certain point or level or competence or skill, it is where you want to go, where you have pointed your life, the direction your ship is moving, what you are reaching for, what you aspire to be or do, it is in essence your preferred future state at some level.
What the quote above reminders us of, is that most goals need to be broken down into smaller steps and pieces, and that each one of them becomes a micro-goal in and of itself. Most development pieces in our lives have multi-steps and levels and build on each part to become the whole - the overall goal that you are reaching for. Playing the guitar in public requires, practice, the tools, reading music or at least chords or tabs, calluses, confidence, systems for music, and a good pre-amp. All of these are various steps and skills leading toward the larger skill or purpose of playing in a public venue.
The other part in the quote above is that “it is not enough to take steps . . . some day.” Oh today is the day. In fact every day is the day. Reaching your preferred future is a daily effort. No one gets there easily or quickly. Better get started and stay with it - success.