What is driving you
# Chapter 102
/Your desires,/
/Whether or not you achieve them/
/Will determine who you become./ - Octavia Butler
It’s what will drive you all your days. To get a good look at yourself and what makes you what you are, and how other people see you and experience you, step back and think about what you want. It’s the engine under the hood of your life. It’s taking you where you are going. I know I know, you can’t even articulate what you want in life, how can it be driving you?? Trust me, it is, and it has, and it always will. Articulating it is very helpful, if really difficult, because it will bring it out into the open and help you get a handle on it if you can ever do it.
It is the first thing I force new clients to do in The Leadership Development Group, and then I make them do it again a little further down the road, because if they are successful in stating what they want the first time, it will settle and polish with a little time and that subtle nuance of change can make all the difference in the world. But we digress here into the difficulties of identifying and articulating your wants and desires, rather than discussing how they are driving your life. They will shape you and largely determine who you are and will become, because they are relentless. If you don’t get a handle on them and moderate them and choose them intentionally, they will make all the decisions about where you are going in life.
What do you want? Who do you Love? Who do you follow?