The difference between education and learning
# Chapter 128
“Education and learning are often very different. And online is not simply the same as sitting in a very big classroom but with a keyboard. It’s an entirely new form of pedagogy, one that’s about doing, not complying, about possibility, not coercion.” - Seth
One of the regularly disappointing things about having completed my doctorate, is that people demand I be an expert in every field and in every task all the time now. I know I know, it is ludicrous but I am telling you this happens all the time. My plumber expects me to know everything. My mechanic tells me I should know how to fix my car. Even my best friend expects me to be an expert in every field. No one can be an expert in every field and even if I could, I don’t aspire to be so. In fact the very nature of a doctorate in science is that you know more and more about an ever shrinking narrow piece of the universe. That you become an expert in one tiny field of knowledge.
People around me expect me to solve their Human Resource problems, their computer problems, their training problems, their financial problems, their business model problems, their marital problems, their loneliness problems, etc etc etc, ad naseum. All because I have a terminal degree in some obscure field on knowledge. Wake up people, I have an education, but I am still learning! There is one great gift from a doctorate if you are willing to learn it - that you know very very little. Yet you can learn anything that you put your heart and mind to.