Innovate, Inspire and model the way

# Chapter 152

“Behave to perform” as Mac Effron says, because what you do matters. More than ever this is true, as you get older and more mature, you stop the behaviors that limit your success and you maximize the ones that contribute to your success. This sounds so obvious it’s terrifying because so few actually do this! This is so clearly apparent, everyone should be doing it, but people get caught in patterns that are less than helpful, and many times actually actively destructive. This is in stark contrast to maximizing behaviors that contribute to your success.

You want to innovate, inspire and model the way to success. These will get you what you want. These are the path to your goals and aspirations. People will follow such a leader most anywhere. I would and do! But you need all three, not just one or two. One of my clients is super inspirational. When he is talking I would follow him to hell with a wet paper towel protecting me. But his modeling falls far short of his inspiration. He can’t deliver the goods in the long run. Another client is all innovation, even though he is pushing 70 years old, he endless innovates! It is amazing. It is inspiring to hear and see! But modeling . . . this is why what you do matters.

Effron lists more things that derail your leadership and power and productivity and ability to change the world (like excitable, skeptical, leisurely, bold, eccentric, a perfectionist plus at least five more) and everyone needs to avoid being any one of these.