Neighbors helping neighbors

# Chapter 138

Neighbors helping neighbors yesterday. That was super special. After the big snow storm dumped all that wet heavenly snow on us, there was a nightmare to clean it up enough to function, and there are many people in the neighborhood who could not have ever cleaned up theirs. So we all pitched in and helped. I helped people that I care about and know, and I helped people that I had never met before. it did not matter, what mattered is that we were all helping. No politics, no arguing, united against the snow, shovels in hand and all the snowblowers the neighborhood could muster, we tackled the common problem we faced.

Why can’t we do the same again other problems? Many of the people I helped yesterday were being helped because they have COVID-19. We clearly can’t ignore this problem that we are all facing, but yet we do. It is not clear to me why these two challenges are so different, when it seems to me that they are so similar. Perhaps it is the visibility of the snow? The impossibility of ignoring it? I don’t know. The virus isn’t very visible in your world unless someone you know or love has it, and has it bad. I want to help foster the generosity of yesterday’s snow battle, into the rest of our life here in America.