How often you get back up

# Chapter 166

Everyone gets knocked down. Some get knocked down regularly. There are emotional knockdowns, physical, spiritual and relational knockdowns, and pretty much any way you can imagine, someone can receive a knockdown. These set backs are an everyday part of life, unless you are completely charmed and never get hit by misfortune. I don’t know anyone like that. Perhaps you do. Perhaps those with charmed lives only live in books and fairytales? The point here is that me you and everyone I know, gets taken down in some fashion regularly. The question is not if, but when and how often.

What matters in this experience is not the type or number of knockdowns you receive, but how often you get back up. Resilience is king in this one. Everyone gets knocked down, not everyone gets up. And many who do, seemed to be injured in such a manner that they don’t have their former energy and power and purpose. This of course makes them more susceptible to more injuries from future knockdowns. This is the beginning of a bad circle. You want to do an intervention if at all possible. Break this cycle before it digs its claws in too deeply.

Know that knockdowns are coming. Be prepared. Bounce back stronger than before. Focus on full recovery. Prepare for more success.