
# Chapter 170

All upside down world this week. All systems are off kilter, and I am sitting here trying to keep this piece in its normal morning slot, but that too is impossible. Clearly I need coffee! Ah that’s much better! Now that I reread that, I realize that many of you will think I am talking about the World, but I am really just talking about my world - trying to get my systems back on track after a three month bender is proving to be nearly impossible.

For decades my mornings have been sacrosanct and protected from outside schedules and wrecks. But not for the last three months and not today. Any time you have people in the mix, things are going to go awry and you can’t plan for that, you can only roll with that. Flex and live this moment. It is all you can do. Getting upset or frustrated is pointless. If this is stressing you to the breaking point, well then good! You will now build better boundary’s so that this time is protected and productive. If that is your only take-away this morning, it is a solid one. You won’t go wrong there.

Until you and I value what we produce enough to protect these highly productive times in our days, no one else will value what we produce enough to pay us and engage us in these endeavors. Of course you can always just go exchange time and energy for money, the way that most folks do, and that is fine too. You have to decide if you want control of your time so that you can leverage your life, or not. Decide!