Incongruence and “friends”
# Chapter 158
Social media is aflame this morning with most of my “friends” showing that if their point of view doesn’t remain the majority opinion, if their understanding of right isn’t followed, then someone has cheated them out of their privilege. This reminds me so much of childhood games where the loser always always claimed the other side cheated or took an extra turn or changed the rules, etc etc, blah blah blah. The parallels are so close, as to make me feel this morning that I am 8 years old again and one of my friends lost his Rook hand and is blaming blaming blaming.
So the thing is, most of my “friends” are sincere church-going folks who I went to bible college with four decades ago. That is a serious serious serious problem for me. That those I share biblical views with, generally see the world so completely different than the reality that is happening, means something is very broken in both how we view the scriptures/God/Christianity and how we see the world. Having lived abroad outside of the USA for the last 26 years, this is very important to us. Having followed Jesus for the last 40 years, this is very important to us. There is an incongruence about this that is disturbing and revealing.
“Unfriending” them is an option, but not a mature one. But reckoning with and remembering their delusions is a necessary one. Guarding my own soul against such things has never been a higher priority.