Busy choices

# Chapter 194

How you choose to spend the next minute, hour, day, week or month is a decision to be busy or not. Busy is a choice. You can’t not blame this one on anyone but yourself. Busy is a choice. It is a choice of what we say yes to and what we choose to not say no to. It is a choice of which trade off we have - work or family or some other trade off. It is a choice of intention, a willingness to accomplish this thing over those things. It is a choice of FOMO or not. It is a choice of allowing others to shine and have heavy responsibilities or taking all the “glory” for yourself. It is a choice to be content with something others may not understand. It is a choice to be satisfied with less but better, or needing it all. It is a choice to be selfish or life-giving. It is a choice of margin or no margin. It is a choice to play or work. It is a choice to have your business own you or you own your business. It is a choice of which life you want to live. Busy is a choice, actually a pattern of choices that you have some say in whether or not you take this on.

I understand this all too well and yet I can still find myself making the wrong choice about busy. I can take on more without laying aside other things and suddenly I am overclocked again. For me , I have to generally stop one thing, before I can take on another thing. Because I am already as busy as I choose to be. And so are you.