Owning it

# Chapter 183

A travel day in a truck with a friend. Great day to catch up on life and talk about the trajectory that we are each creating in our lives, and about whether or not we actually have some influence over our trajectories or not. But of course we do. Our weight is a result of what we eat. Our spirits are a result of which scriptures we intake and what generosity we share with others. Our mental rooms reflect what we put in there as well, what we fill them with over and over. Our intellect is as sharp as we are willing to challenge it. Our relationships are generally a reflection of our investment and commitments that we have made to them. Our loves generally reflect the effort and work that we give them. Feeling powerless to impact our trajectories is often just mental laziness and abdication of our responsibilities for our lives. Own it!

While this day was important and good in the life of our friendship, I mourn the loss of all my other systems and habits that drive my life, my own trajectory. I did not exercise physically nor mentally yesterday. I sat in a truck for 13 plus hours. I did not write this section either. I did not post a new one in my second 275 book. I did not listen to any book nor read any pages. No new ideas were allow to reach my brain and start something grand.

There are always trade offs and this one was a good one. After today I will get back on track with my habits and routines that produce a great trajectory. Your habits are producing yours. Own it!