Too many get out of jail free cards

# Chapter 205

We do have a great deal of control over our lives and the trajectory that they take. Not sure that I would go as far as Churchill did and state that we are masters of our fate and captains of our souls, but I do think that our small decisions add up to big results over time. The influence of outside factors keeps me away from the “masters and captains” way of thinking, although it is obvious that many times we do have gatekeeper and bottleneck powers that we underestimate. Our gatekeeper and bottleneck powers would and could keep many of these outside forces and influencers away from our lives, and in effect give us more “masters and captains” types of powers.

But that is enough debate about how much power we have over the trajectories of our lives. The bottom line is that most Westerners don’t own that. More importantly I don’t always own that - the power I have - instead choosing to focus on the power that I don’t have or some other silly nonsense. All to mentally get me off the hook for where I am today. This is our mental “get out of jail free card” that we play all the time. Quit. Stop. Own it. Be 100% responsible for where you are today and 100% responsible for the direction you are heading. Put your adult pants on and wear them well.

My parents always warned me to be careful of what I read and watched, because of spiritual reasons, to protect my soul. But that warning is even more appropriate today to protect our minds. Use those gatekeeper powers to the maximum - keep your ownership of the results at 100% .