
# Chapter 227

Harmony in life seems to be an ever elusive state. It shifts and dances and spins away just when you think you have a handle on it or when you think it had finally arrived. And this is to be expected because Harmony is a complex and ambiguous event. And there are different kinds of harmony. There is the harmony that is the opposite of discord. There is the harmony that is a synonym of peace. There is the harmony that is the combining of different voices on different notes to make beautiful music. Harmony in life seems to be most similar to the lack of discord or the presence of peace.

More than that though, for me, harmony in life is the convergence of alignment between the primary parties, kindness expressed by all parties, no arguing, contentment with the results, pleasure at the outcomes, peace in the process, etc etc you catch my drift here. No conflict low stress peaceful existence usually feels like harmony in my life. Perhaps I am not giving this enough depth of thought but overthinking is one of my great sins so I am purposefully trying not to.

More importantly my definition leaves you room to have your definition. So your harmony can be what you want or need it to be. But no matter what your harmony is and no matter what my harmony is, reaching for it each day is a great way to live.