
# Chapter 208

Change the world thinking can sometimes lead to sleepless nights, when you can’t turn your brain off from churning churning churning. It was a long long night. Its gonna be a long long day. Hopefully I did not keep Brenda awake too. Finally got up and made that cup of coffee I had been thinking about off and on for hours. And its a fine cup of joe!

But my brain kept rolling for hours about about the losses in life, the needs, the lack of resources, the challenges, the problems, the failures, history, the future, friends who have recently lost loved ones, and friends who have angry spouses, and friends who are alone. And that heavy ball of thinking kept churning and burning and sleep never returned once that got started.

So the question is what am I going to do about all of that thinking? Well its a good question. First of all I am going to work on the things I can actually do something about. Secondly I am going to pray about those things I can do nothing about. Thirdly I am going to stop right here and make me another cup of coffee and think some more. Fourthly I have to do triage to separate the doable from the non-doable, the urgent from the important, and act accordingly. There are many things that I am capable of worrying about that I can do nothing to change or affect - they just are. As there are many things I am capable of changing and affecting, yet I worry about them instead, which just is wasted emotion and creates a distraction that simulates action. Misled by this one are many.