infinite browsing versus commitment

# Chapter 165

Infinite browsing mode. This is where the world is stuck, in infinite browsing mode. We are in infinite browsing mode for relationships, we want the low cost high value variety where we get, but give little. And this is made so much easier by FaceBook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Snapchat. These were built on infinite browsing. Relationships are a commodity rather than a pillar of our lives. We leverage and network them rather than invest and enjoy them. We are constantly looking to find more “friends” and “connections” so that we can be more something or other. The infinite browsing mode prevents us from the magic force of commitment.

We do this also in our work and in our leisure. We don’t want to make any commitments and we want to infinitely browse, the internet, the library, the classifieds, the dating apps, the Bible, churches, clubs, groups and social media. But commitments are the opposite of infinite browsing. Commitment is making a choice and sticking with it and making it work. Commitment is being all in and not browsing anything. Instead it is about working hard at what you decided to accomplish rather than never making a choice = infinite browsing. Commitment is what makes for deep satisfaction and contentment, infinite browsing makes for infinite dissatisfaction and discontent. Infinite browsing will take all your time and give you no results. Commitment will take all your time DOING and give you great results. But contrary to popular thinking, commitment doesn’t take more time than infinite browsing, it only takes the same time and makes far better use of it. Commit to something for pity’s sake.