Distance is relative

# Chapter 184

Distance is relative. Relatives in California or three miles down the road, distance is relative. Brenda and her family lived in Africa when she was a kid and they saw their Africa-based cousins even though they lived in different countries. When they moved back to the states, they did not see their cousins because they lived too far away. Distance is relative. My dad was just talking about how rarely he saw his uncles and aunts even though they lived only three miles away, as he was growing up as a kid.

When my aunt and uncle needed some work done on their house, my cousin Keith asked all the relatives if some of them could help. Me and my uncle were the only two who came and helped and we live farther away than the rest by far. Distance is relative. Understand that we have lots lots of relatives and most of them live four miles away. I drove 652 miles to get there. My parents have often said that we visit them more than the children down the road visit their parents who live seven miles away. Distance is relative.

I have also been making a play on words here about relatives and distance because this is one of the areas of life that have always been difficult for us since we lived overseas 27 years and seeing our relatives was a big deal, to them and to us. When we lived in Canada we regularly made long long haul trips to visit a sister or a cousin. Distance is relative and your relatives are worth it.