Dr D’s Diagnosis

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# Chapter 329

Why didn’t I do this years ago?? When you have regularly scheduled actions and activities, put them on the calendar and send yourself a notification!! For over a year I have been scheduling all my blogs for the week, on Sunday evenings, well that was always the plan. But about 50% of the time I forgot and the Monday morning blog would be late as I sat at the breakfast table scrambling eggs, and scrambling around to get the blogs posted and generally making a mess of the busiest morning of the whole week. It works so much better if you schedule all five blogs Sunday evening and then it is done for the whole week. This is of course a non-critical non-life changing example, but I like order and structure in my life and this is a perfect illustration of that. So I finally put it on the calendar with a reminder at 6:00 pm on Sunday to post the blogs for the week.

Wow, what a simple solution to a simple problem that has the potential to frustrate and derail the whole day. Why didn’t I do this earlier? Why didn’t I start with this solution? Well because the weekly blog didn’t start out as a weekly blog. It evolved into a weekly blog and so how I manage this evolving event needs to evolve as well. And now it has. Regularly look to calendaring as a solution to any scheduling phenomena.