Disruptions - no stone unturned

# Chapter 328

It is so good for you to change your pattern occasionally. It realigns all that is important. It informs you of all that is important in your life and what needs to be realigned. This occasional change to your pattern is called disruption. We generally hate disruption in our worlds, but there is value to be had in disruption. I am down at my dad’s place doing some elder care with him and the property and my niece and her husband and two kids came in for a two day one night visit. This is known as disruption. As my dad quietly said at breakfast this morning, “no stone unturned” meaning that those two little gals are into every single room, curio, drawer, chest, they leave no stone unturned. A virtual hurricane blowing through the sedate pace two old men keep most days - disruption on a massive scale. This informs what you value most and what you can discard without too much pain. But this process would never even begin were it not for disruption.

This whole process also teaches you how much flexibility there is in your systems and patterns and habits. Knowing this is valuable too, because once known, you can stretch and change for short periods of time knowing that you can handle this disruption for a few days and that you are resilient enough to not let it throw you off your production curve in the long run. Of course this is applicable to business and relationships and other things as well, and don’t forget, disruption scales! I gave a very small example here, that feels like a big disruption to my dad, but in reality is a small bump in the course of his life. My advice is to embrace the disruptions in life and enjoy the change of pace and then get back to your great habits when it passes.