Is this the new normal that you want?

# Chapter 5

This will be your new normal unless you can find a way to break out of this. These limitations will be what you have for the rest of your life unless you intervene and change the course of this trip, this life you are living, and make it something else. You and you alone must make this decision, although you will likely need lots of help along the way to get to where you decided you want to go if it is a challenging or difficult destination to reach. Before you make up your mind that this is too much work or that you are too exhausted to move forward in any direction or that you simply hurt too much to focus on any change at all, remember that if you don’t, this will be your new and forever normal. I don’t know about you, but I am more certain that I don’t want this to be my new normal, than I am about almost anything in the universe. Something had got to give!

But there are no guarantees and no certainties down this path, I know I know we all want things to return to the place they were in some treasured memory of the past, but that is not likely either. The factors that brought you to where you are, will play an inordinate role in defining what you can and can’t recover from and move toward, but don’t give this fact too much power. Dream and then decide and then stick to your decision! But if you are like me, you may have to give up your Nutella if you want to reach these other goals.