Decisions versus conditions

# Chapter 7

Decisions and conditions. We can choose. And we often do. In fact many might argue that the conditions that you find yourself in today are a result of the decisions you have made along the way and that is clearly true to a certain point. Your weight is result of your eating decisions and your fitness is a result of your exercise decisions. But a condition is more a situation than a result. Conditions are the state or order of something and while they may change according to results of your decisions, there is a less direct path here. And conditions can be imposed or constructed outside of any decisions that you personally make. You hire on for a new job and the working conditions you find on your first day can not in any fashion be attributed to your actions or decisions. Or if you are a refugee, the condition or situation you find yourself in, is likely the result of other’s decisions.

Yet we do make many decisions and those decisions always affect our condition for good or ill, and we often make those decisions purely for the affect they will have on our condition. But that is the path of less, instead we should make our decisions based on our goals and the direction we want to move our lives. Improving our condition is a secondary smaller benefit if it happens at all. I would argue that your condition is distracting you from making the decisions that you will be most pleased with in the future. Conditions are the context in which we make decisions, but the decisions are ours. Own them!