Uneven ground

# Chapter 35

Meritocracy has become a bad word in many segments of society, and I see it is disparaged in columns that I read on a regular basis. They think that they position themselves to be advocates of the holiness of humanity, which means that they think that every person has value and worth. No one is going to argue this point. What they also position themselves to be are advocates of laziness and unambitious uninspired behaviors in these valuable and worth-filled citizens of earth. Save the stories about how they don’t have opportunities and possibilities, because I agree right up front that everyone has a different set of possibilities - and that is precisely what the anti-meritocracy folks are most unhappy about. There simply are no level playing grounds anywhere in the world. Is that something to be pleased about? Absolutely not! Does it make it any less true? Absolutely not!

Let me be clear here, my parents both worked low paying jobs their entire lives because neither had a high school diploma, and neither had the possibilities of doing other than low-skilled labor positions. Hell my dad worked in a garbage dump for the last 12 years before he retired! Did he have the same opportunities and possibilities as the doctor who delivered me? Of course not. Did my dad have better opportunities than the African-american man eight miles down the road, definitely. The ground is uneven for all.

The point here this morning is this, take the opportunities you have and maximize them. And be glad your doctor had better opportunities and can point you in the right direction when you need healing.