Slow and steady win the day

# Chapter 61

Like I said yesterday the young bucks in my life want big rocks so that they can show off their strength and power and muscles. They generally want to do everything on a big showy scale. In fact they have little interest in doing small amounts regularly and making progress in that fashion. Oh they have so much to learn!! Small amounts regularly almost always outperforms big and showy, but its just not . . . well, big and showy. Small regular contributions will produce a snowball effect as well, they will gain momentum and power and energy and they often surprise you in their collective accomplishment.

This in effect is moving the spotlight off of the actor and onto the actions and results. When we can be fully focused on the actions and results we will no longer distain small contributions. This daily 275 word blog that you are reading right now, is a small contribution. But it is difficult enough to produce this 365 days and year and make a difference in the world. Refusing to do it because it is not a full length book with a nice cover sounds ludicrous from where I am sitting on my porch shaping this page, because I understand the work we are discussing in intimate detail.

Don’t choose to stand on the sidelines because you can’t produce Mozart level work at the beginning, or ever. Produce. Make. Do. Create. This is what you and I are called to do. So do it, and do it well, and do it better and better as you build your skill level and capacity. Don’t not do it because it is small and insignificant at the beginning or ever.