Dr D’s Diagnosis

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The process

# Chapter 58

Life is lived is many small steps. Whether it is graduation or marriage or your job or post graduate studies, it all happens as a result of many small steps that leads to a larger event. You go to how many college classes and write how many papers and take how many tests before you can graduate? You go on how many dates and eat how many meals together, and go how many places and talk about every subject under the sun before you say I do? The same with your jobs, you have to take many incremental steps before you land a better job, or move up in the ranks or discover the next great web browser.

This is the way that life is lived. But why don’t we just apply this to how we approach everything? I see it all around me, people taking large risks, taking huge steps, looking for the quick payoff, the awesome shortcut, the quick result - and many times this backfires and they are knocked down on their keister and they have to start over and try again, if they can find the courage to do so, if they can recover from the losses they incurred. But mark my words, they have failed most importantly to make forward progress on a critical venture by trying to reach for the finish line, the pay off, the preferred outcome, without the process. And the process is tiny small steps toward the goal. This is how life is lived. Stop taking shortcuts. You are just hurting yourself and preventing yourself from success.