
# Chapter 56

Stress out the wazzu and up the creek. This week I have hit all my stress limits and ambiguity limits and inner structure limits. And I mean I hit the limits, the outer possibilities of what I can handle, my overload safety mechanism went into play for the first time in over a decade. I couldn’t talk, and I couldn’t think, I could only rage and fight, so I either had to explode or sleep. I took a two hour nap. Exploding is too costly at my age. Literally I laid back in the easy chair and pretty much passed out from stress. All systems overloaded and they just shut down to protect me.

I rarely rarely nap because it screws up my nightly rest so badly. But your body knows what you need more than you know what you need sometimes, and you just can’t resist, nor should you. A nap was precisely what I needed at that moment yesterday. Well ok, what i really needed was the problems to be resolved, but since that wasn’t going to happen yesterday, it was either nap or check myself into the psych ward at the mental hospital. So napping was perfect for the situation I was in, and fine it shortened my overnight sleep up by a couple of hours, but it also saved my bacon.

Today is another day and hopefully no naps are in my future for today. Decisions are made and we are moving forward, no matter how unfair the situation may be. Is there really any other choice?