The impossible near
# Chapter 79
The impossible is not far away. Its always just around the corner and waiting to be discovered or found or made possible. There are so many parts of our daily lives that were sci-fi only ideas when I was a kid. I don’t know if you know this or not, but I discovered the idea of mobile phones. Yep when I was a kid riding in my parents back seat of the their old humongous Buick, I was thinking about how totally cool it would be to have a phone to call my buddies Keith and Allen while riding down the road. And that was over 50 years ago! Of course I did not develop the tech that made it possible, but I was at least one of the people in the world who conceived of the idea of a mobile phone and when people can see it and visualize it will become possible in short order.
Wholesale changes have happened in the world since I was that kid 50 years ago. And you should listen to my dad and hear the changes that have happened in his 80 plus year lifetime! And these changes continue to happen and some would argue that they are happening at a more rapid pace than when I was a kid, but I don’t know. The enormity of change and the nearness of the impossible made possible is more my point than the pace of any of it. Buckle up, this is not going away nor should we want it to. Change is ubiquitous and normal and the impossible won’t be for long.