Eyes wide open

# Chapter 89

Gaging the circumstances surrounding your business and life are more difficult than one would think at first blush. You get into habits and patterns that are hard to break and that complexifies things further. You forget what season of life you are in and reasons that you did this or that in the Summer don’t make any sense to do in the Winter. But it is a habit or system or pattern that is well formed in your practice, and you still do it although it is now cold and dark rather than sunny and warm. Gaging these matters when the circumstances change is one of the rare business practices that don’t get used often or well.

Designing a cycle of decision-making that is short in it’s review and implementation cycle is one way to address these kinds of decisions and systems. In other words, review often the why of a decision or pattern or system and combine that with a solution-minded focus that will provide alternatives and choices when possible. This will give you reasonable action steps as life unfolds, and it seems to be doing that faster and faster and so our review cycle has to get shorter and shorter.

Don’t be left out in the cold because of a summer decision. Make a good winter decision and enjoy the results from living with your eyes wide open.